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From Crisis to Governance – The Energy Community Ten Years On

Dirk Buschle

In 2015, the Energy Community celebrated the first ten years of its existence. Conceptually, the Energy Community establishes a new governance system for a pan-European energy space. In practice, some of the EU’s most important energy neighbours such as Ukraine or the countries in the Western Balkans have been reformed and integrated in the internal market through the Energy Community. Based on a lecture given earlier this year, this article sheds some light on the Energy Community’s experience, its achievements and challenges as well as its relevance for a future Energy Union.

Dr. Dirk Buschle is Deputy Director and Head of Legal at the Secretariat of the Energy Community. The present contribution is based on a speech given at the Vienna Law Society (“Wiener Juristische Gesellschaft”) on 18 February 2015. The author has written this paper in a personal capacity. Nothing in this publication can be attributed to the Energy Community Secretariat.


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